Everything You Need to Know About Government Health Insurance in Pakistan: Coverage, Eligibility, and Benefits

Pakistan’s healthcare facility has been challenging due to multiple socioeconomic factors. To help in this regard, the Government of Pakistan has started different accessible and affordable healthcare programs for the healthcare of its citizens.

One of those healthcare programs is a healthcare insurance scheme. Even after this healthcare insurance scheme, most people need to be aware of these facilities, their eligibility criteria, and all their benefits.

Know About Government Health Insurance in Pakistan
Know About Government Health Insurance in Pakistan

We will elaborate on and explain everything you need to know about government health insurance in Pakistan to help them get information about its benefits, eligibility, and coverage so they can get benefits related to their health care issue.

Coverage under Government Health Insurance

The government health insurance program in Pakistan facilitates deserving individuals for a range of medical treatment and services according to their eligibility. These programs are available for in-patient and out-patient treatments, including surgeries, hospitalization, medicine, and diagnostic tests. This program also includes emergency services, such as emergency medical and ambulance services.

However, it’s important to remember that these facilities may vary depending on the type of hospital, location, and health facilities. Sometimes you can face circumstances like some treatments cannot be treated under your claimed program, and you have to pay from your pocket for that treatment.

Nonetheless, the government’s health insurance program is a big step for deserving people to get healthcare services more easily with less hassle, especially for those who cannot pay for their treatment from their pocket.

Eligibility for Government Health Insurance

Eligibility for getting facilitated from government health insurance in Pakistan varies depending on the specific healthcare program. Generally, the government health insurance program is being started to provide affordable healthcare services to those who cannot afford private insurance for themselves or their families.

An individual’s eligibility depends on his age, income, and sickness. For example, the Benazir income support program provides free healthcare facilities to families who are living below the poverty line, and the Sehat Sahullat program also provides healthcare services in the same way to low-income individual and their families.

The government of Pakistan also provides health insurance to its employees and their families. They need to research which program they will benefit from for their health care issues.

Benefits of Government Health Insurance

Government health insurance in Pakistan facilitates individuals with several benefits. One of the main benefits is the ability to access easily affordable healthcare services, including medical treatment, preventive care, and prescription medications. These medical facilities will give individuals timely treatment and checkups for themselves and their families.

The Pakistan government also provides lower-cost insurance, which provides a wide range of healthcare services, including mental healthcare services, emergency medical care, and maternity care. This can be helpful, especially for those individuals who are suffering from disabilities and chronic health issues and who require ongoing medical treatment.

Government health insurance programs in Pakistan also facilitates those individuals who may need access to private insurance or may cover their insurance expense due to losing their job. Overall, government health insurance programs in Pakistan help improve access to healthcare and promote better health insurance facilities for individuals and communities.

 Comparison with Private Health Insurance

There are considerable differences between private and government health insurance in Pakistan. One of the major differences is that government health insurance programs are normally available to eligible individuals at a lower cost or even without any cost. On the other hand, private health insurance programs in Pakistan are available at a premium cost. Government health insurance programs in Pakistan even provide a wider range of insurance services and lower out-of-pocket costs compared to private health insurance programs.

However, private health insurance plan in Pakistan also provides a wider range of option for medical providers and medical services. And also offer other services, such as coverage for elective procedures or wellness programs. Private insurance programs in Pakistan facilitate you more in terms of access to specialized and network coverage.

Ultimately, the decision between government and private health insurance in Pakistan will depend on factors such as health status, income, and personal references.


Q: What is government health insurance in Pakistan, and how does it work?

Government health insurance in Pakistan is provided through the Sehat Sahulat Program (SSP). It offers free health care services to individuals and families below the poverty line. Eligible families are issued health insurance cards that can be used to access healthcare services at selected healthcare facilities.

Q: What are the eligibility requirements for government health insurance in Pakistan?

Eligibility for government health insurance in Pakistan is based on income and family members. Families living below the poverty line are eligible for the Sehat Sahulat Program.

Q: What services are covered by government health insurance in Pakistan?

The Sehat Sahulat Program covers various healthcare services, including hospitalization, surgeries, diagnostics, and organ transplants.

Q: How does government health insurance in Pakistan compared to private health insurance?

Private health insurance in Pakistan is normally more expensive and covers a wider range of services than government health insurance. However, the Sehat Sahulat Program provides free healthcare services to families below the poverty line.

Q: How can I apply for government health insurance in Pakistan?

Families living below the poverty line are automatically enrolled in the Sehat Sahulat Program. Only those who are automatically enrolled can apply for the program by applying to the relevant departments.

Q: What are the benefits of government health insurance in Pakistan?

The benefits of government health insurance in Pakistan include free healthcare services, reduced financial burden on low-income families, and make access easy to healthcare services.

Q: Are there any limitations or exclusions to government health insurance in Pakistan?

There are limitations and exclusions to government health insurance in Pakistan. For example, the Sehat Sahulat Program did not cover luxury treatments, like skin surgeries or teeth treatment.

Q: How do I renew my government health insurance in Pakistan, and what happens if I fail to renew on time?

Renewal of government health insurance in Pakistan is automatic for eligible families.

The Bottom Line

The government of Pakistan aims to provide affordable healthcare coverage to eligible individuals, including low-income individuals, disabled individuals, and elderly citizens. By facilitating Pakistani citizens with medical treatment, prescription medications, and preventive care, government health insurance can help reduce financial barriers and improve health outcomes.

The eligibility for getting health insurance facilities from the government of Pakistan is normally based on income and household size, with additional requirements for every program.

While there could be a limitation in government health insurance programs compared to private health insurance programs, such as more limited network providers, it provides an important safety net for individuals who cannot afford private health insurance programs. Overall, government health insurance in Pakistan is an important facility for promoting and improving greater health equity for all.

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